Business Created
November, 2000 - (23 years 11 months old)
Listing Number
Listing Price
Monthly Revenue
Monthly Net Profit
Cashflow Volatility
Cash Yield
Key Highlights
Business Structure:
Our business consists of three parts namely:
Business operations:
There are 2 parts of the domain registry business.
This channel of the business is 100% automated. The only work to be done is to update pricing when new services are available for resale.
On the other side of the business, there are also 2 main parts
Domain Breakdown:
Customer Acquisition:
Customers are acquired through:
The new owner would benefit from implementing the following steps:
November, 2000 - (23 years 11 months old)
The following are included in the sale of this business:
Get to know the owner of the business:
Work & Skills Required
Post Sale Support:
Reason for selling:
Buyer Profile