How Much Is Your Online Business Worth?

Start by entering your basic business details.

  • Website/Business URL

    At least one site URL is required.

  • When was the business first started?

    Business Created date cannot be in the future.

  • How many hours a week does it take to manage the business?

    This is the amount of time the owner spends on essential business activities each week.

Based on recent business activity, please input your financial data.

  • What is the monthly average revenue?

  • What is the monthly average net profit?

  • What percentage of revenue is from recurring revenue or repeat customers?


To get your valuation, please enter these final details.

  • How many unique visitors does the company website(s) get per month?

  • How many combined online followers (social media, mailing lists, etc.) does the business have?

  • How many revenue channels does the business have?
