Business Created
January, 2019 - (6 years 2 months old)
Listing Number
Listing Price
Monthly Revenue
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Cash Yield
This listing is for a 5-year-old highly successful file hosting site, monetized via multiple advertising networks, that boasts a 2,000 Alexa rank, an astounding 2,500,000+ visitors/day, and 5,000 active affiliate partners.
1. Low maintenance SaaS/Affiliate business run by its 500,000+ registered users (only 30 hours a week to run business)
2. Huge opportunities for growth given low current return per visitor (big opportunity is converting to premium plan - most similar businesses in web traffic are worth billions)
3. Business is now stabilized and very profitable (daily visitors are very consistent at 2.5M+ a day)
4. High value traffic (majority from USA with astounding 34% bounce rate on 10B page views)
PropellerAds, AdSterra and ClickAdu are the main AdNetworks and most of the revenue comes from PropellerAds. The seller uses PopUnder and InPagePush which brings the most revenue. If you click on a link from the site you can see the advertisements in action.
The business’s customer base comes from a strong network of affiliate partners. These affiliate partners are influencers who sign up to the site and upload their proprietary files and then share them with their subscriber base. When the subscribers view and interact with the advertisements, the site makes money and pays the affiliates a share of this.
There are over 5,000 users on the platform that create revenue with about 25-50 of them who are the most important power users. There are millions (technically billions) of users who generate revenue for the site by viewing and clicking ads.
No formal paid advertising has really been done on this business - the combination of top notch platform, a killer support team, & affiliate incentives has enabled the company to achieve amazing success without much/any marketing spend. More than that, hrough some threads on (and some other forums) and some word of mouth, the platform has gotten the 5,000 power users who provide the platform with the success it is currently experiencing.
If you converted just 1% of the yearly visitors to be paying users at $4/month, it would produce almost $500M USD of revenue a year! There is a good incentive to sign up as you could offer a ad-free platform for these users, provide more download space, etc. etc. Other of the company's competitors utilize this model and make a lot of money!
The business takes about 30 hours a week to manage and main activities for owners/workers are to:
Seller has agreed to coach new buyer for free for 30-90 days after sale - he will then provide full support thereafter on a hourly rate basis.
January, 2019 - (6 years 2 months old)
The following are included in the sale of this business:
Seller has agreed to coach new buyer for free for 30-90 days after sale - he will then provide full support thereafter on a hourly rate basis.
This business is owned by 3 friends who’ve had fun with it but they are in their late 30s with families and could appreciate some added liquidity and freedom to do other ventures. They are not in any rush to sell...but as any co-founder might know, when many owners are present, there is added incentive to ‘cash-out’. They also recently founded a very successful VPN company that has really taken off!