14th Sep 2021
- By Jolynn Oblak
This is so simple, it just might shock you. My super easy 3 step formula for nailing your target market "pain points."
Are you a new blogger? Are you looking for the secret to lead generation both online and offline?
As a new blogger, I did and do tons of research. I research blogs in my niche and forums to learn more about what people are struggling with. Lead generation, content creation and conversion are the top 3 main areas. I know how time consuming it is to navigate the internet to find answers about how to engage and convert a prospect. I see so many people getting this wrong, so I want to simplify the process for you and share my secret to lead generation.
My 3 step process for identifying your target markets needs and developing a powerful value proposition and promotional tag lines.
Developing leads is like cooking - you have to have the right ingredients and if one thing is off - the whole dish is ruined. I am going to give you the missing ingredient.
If you don't know your target markets needs and struggles - your ad and blog content will be a mismatch and you marketing and sales efforts will fall short. The more your content evokes emotion, is compelling and provokes action- the more likely you are to see higher conversions.
As a marketing professional, I developed many email and digital campaigns. Our campaigns were successful because we were able put ourselves in our customers shoes and as a result, we were able to really identify their wants, needs and struggles. In marketing we call this the pain point. Remember, you are not selling products - you are selling SOLUTIONS.
Here is an example of a real customer case study:
The CEO of a large hospital system is finding that there error rates on certain procedures are increasing. They note an annual increase in sentinel events of 8% [sentinel events are death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof*]. They are seeing that spike specifically in OBGYN during deliveries.
So what is the CEO pain point? Is it that babies and mothers were dying? If you said yes you are ½ right. healthcare provider's care about their patients, but from the CEO perspective who runs the hospital when someone die due to negligence, a lawsuit it filed. Hospitals may pay out millions if not more for one case of injury or death.
The CEO/CFO main pain point then is they are paying out millions in malpractice suits which jeopardize their accreditation which has a financial impact on the hospital. They have a team of professionals that need training to improve their skills when it comes to dangerous, high acuity medical procedures. Improving this would help improve the overall health outcomes of their patients.
Here is my 3 step process for nailing down you client's pain point. This works for any industry or business and can help in crafting your ads and blog content. It also forms the basis of your value proposition to your target customer.
1) What does my target market struggle with (the pain point): High incidence of sentinal events in labor and delivery resulting increased liability claims payouts
2) What do they need (note there can be more than one need): a) To improve team training and reduce incidence of sentinel death thereby improving neonatal and maternal outcomes
3) What solution can I offer and how can it help (must connect directly to # 2): Medical training solutions that leverage simulation technology and team training strategies that are proven to reduce sentinel events thereby reducing costs
Here are the helping taglines:
- Helping improve patient outcomes
- Helping improve patient safety and reduce risk
- Helping reduce sentinal events
- Helping reduce costs for medical errors
Now, do you think with that formula I will be better able to target my blog communications, email campaigns, social media and online ads more effectively?
YES! And so can you. Here is another example specific to my network marketing products.
1) What does my target market struggle with (the pain point): Struggling to maintain a healthy lifestyle due to a busy work and home lifestyle that leaves little time for them to take care of their health. They want to look and feel better but don't know how to do this.
2) What do they need (note there can be and often is more than one need: a) A healthy natural option for maintaining their health that is easy to implement and will boost their energy levels
3) What solution can I offer and how can it help (must connect directly to # 2): Natural, organic Aloe Vera drinks and weight management solutions that provide a healthy solutions to weight management and weight loss. The solutions offer superior nutritional value with proven results.
So here are my helping taglines for this market:
- Helping you maintain optimal health naturally
- Helping you live an abundant and healthy life more naturally
- Helping you boost your energy and improve your health naturally